Well folks, its another glorious day. This morning Zahrah and I woke to found a thick layer of mist over our valley, but up above the sky was a vibrant azure, and the air was crisp. As we came downstairs and began preparing breakfast, the sound of our roosters greeting the day drifted to us from their coop behind the house. Which always makes us smile.
Shall we note that the roosters don't make *EVERYONE* smile? Yes.. Yes we shall. You see, last thursday I spotted a pair of free roosters on Freecycle. Well, it just so happens that we have 9 chickens, and 1 rooster (at that point, we still thought he was a chicken.. He never crowed, still doesn't.. His gender is in still in question in my mind.). Anyway, back to the point, I saw these roosters, and wanted to see little fluffs of chick running around in spring. This.. Requires roosters. And whaddya know, here we are provided with two BEAUTIFUL roosters. Which Zahrah and I will provide pictures of in the semi-near future. (pokes pokes.. Right Zahrah love? Hopefully we'll be more successful at getting the pictures of the roosters than the water in the garden).
At any rate, one run up to Everson washington, and a box later, we have these two gorgeous specimens of Roosterhood. Dante is our Rhode Island Red Rooster, with his gorgeous deep auburn feathers and proud stance, and a crow to wake the dead, though rarely utilized. (We've decided that Dante raises the sun, as his is the only voice that will *REACH*).
And then we have our lady killer and prolific crower of lesser decibel.. Napolean. We called him this because he was the smaller of the two, is flamboyant in both color and attitude, and challenges everything that resembles a chicken.. (Before he mates with it). He is absolutely gorgeous, and I can't wait to see some of the mixes we'll get with these two roosters crossing with our whites and Barred Rock (Incidentally, our Male Barred Rock is called Shakespear.. Barred/Bard... Get it? *grins* I love my Zahrah.. Makes me so proud)
Anyway.. Since their arrival they've been adding a small degree of stress to our lives by... well.. antagonizing the parents. You see, the parents are sleeping in a trailer about 15 feet from the coop. So round about 5am when Napolean decides to greet the day, they get... Ring side seats. Strange how acoustics makes it so I can't hear them from bed only another 30 feet or so away. (maybe more, but really, its not far).
So Zahrah and I spent the weekend frantically trying to find a way to prevent them from crowing. We have unsuccessfully tried to make it so the light doesn't get in, we tried the 'roost them somewhere they can't stand up method', that didn't work. So tonight we're going to do a little jury-rigging on their coop so they have somewhere dark to roost.
Oh yes, and these two roosters have successfully driven our Rhode Island females into the old coop (which we cleaned out in anticipation of next years chicks, and they immediately took residence in).
Anyway, I am at work right now, so I should probably get ready to return to it after my break, but I wanted to take a moment to pop in and give y'all an update. Shortly Zahrah and I will be creating a joint Blog to post things about our newly joined life in the Valley, things about the animals and day to day things about us. And we'll maintain our seperate blogs for things of a more directly personal nature. :)
I'm lookin' forward to it, and I hope you'll all enjoy catching a glimpse of life up in the Valley. Till then gentle readers.